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Toronto Film Series
100FPS To quote their own bio: "Breakneck cinema for speek freaks and weird geeks" Venue: Eyesore Cinema
Ad Hoc Film Collective Cinema has no fixed address.
Chai Tea & A Movie The Toronto Jewish Film Festival presents this occasional series of hot beverages and Jewish-themed films.
Christie Pits Film Festival Outdoor cinema in The Pits. Venue: Christie Pits Park
Doc Soup Monthly documentary screenings, from October to April, programmed by the Hot Docs festival. Filmmaker is usually in attendance. Venue: Hot Docs Ted Rogers Cinema
Docunight Iran via documentary. Venue: Carlton
Drunk Feminist Films Booze-fuelled feminist film fans mock their way through the lows of Hollywood gender representation.
Drunken Cinema Movies and booze (and games)!
Free Friday Films Weekly free screenings of recent flicks and occasional classics presented by U of T's Cinema Studies Student Union (but all are welcome). Prints sources range from 35mm to dvd. Venue: Innis Town Hall
Jan 17    Happiness (1998, USA, D: Todd Solondz)    Free!
Inside Out Expanding the annual festival of queer cinema to a year-round presence. Venue: TIFF Bell Lightbox
Killer B Cinema Bad movies go down well with booze.
Masked At The Movies Respirator-mandatory screenings for this COVID era.
MDFF Presents The cutting edge of indie art cinema, screening at a variety of venues around the city.
Movies For Mommies Baby-friendly screenings of recent releases for new parents dying to get out of the house.
Mulan Festival Year-round programming from the festival of Chinese cinema. Venue: Innis Town Hall
New Circle of Cinema Popup microcinema looking beyond streaming.
Nordic Nights Films from the lands of ice and snow. Venue: Toronto Metropolitan University
Open Roof Festival Film and music, above street level.
Pleasure Dome Year-round screenings of experimental/avant-garde film and video in a variety of venues, including Cinecycle and Latvian House.
re:assemblage collective Artist-centered screenings.
Reel Talk Two monthly series of new World cinema and Engligh-language independent film, followed by discussion with guest filmmakers, critics, etc. Admission requires a subscription to the entire series.
Rue Morgue's Cinemacabre Monthly screenings of horror flicks courtesy the fine folks at Rue Morgue magazine.
Shorts That Are Not Pants Not pants, not pants at all. But shorts, most definitely.
T.O. Picture Show Cinema outdoors and all around town.
Toronto Arab Film From the Arab world to Toronto.
Toronto Film Society Programmes several monthly series of classic Hollywood double-bills, both sound and silent. Admission is by subscription/membership only.
Toronto Jewish Film Society Monthly screenings (with a summer break) of Jewish-themed fare. Single tickets for non-subscribers go on sale 15 minutes before showtime. Venue: Al Green Theatre
Toronto Movie Club From the diaspora to Toronto.
Toronto True Crime Real-life tales of criminality become cinema. Formerly a film festival, now a monthly series. Venue: Hot Docs Ted Rogers Cinema
Trash Palace Cult films once unearthed (on 16mm film, not video) in a studio space on Niagara Street, then briefly at the west-end Revue Cinema, now unspooling in their new home. Venue: Cinecycle
Trouble Every Day Presents Forgotten should-be favourites and hidden gems awaiting discovery. Venue: Carlton
Defunct Toronto Film Series
360 Screenings Step into the film with an immersive (and expensive) evening out. Each screening's title and venue is kept secret until the last minute.
Accented Cinema Monthly screenings on the topic of immigration and integration, presented by the Diaspora Film Festival. Venue:
Bechdel Tested Women as narrative drivers, not window dressing.
The Black Museum Lurid lectures and sinister screenings for the morbidly curious. Venue: Royal Cinema
Critic's Choice The Academy Of Canadian Cinema And TV asks local critics to present a Canadian film. Venue:
Drive-In TO The big screen, open skies and your own portable bubble on wheels = watching movies in viral times.
Early Monthly Segments Experimental film, monthly. Venue: Gladstone Hotel Art Bar
The Eclectic Screening Room Evenings of film and video oddities curated by the zine of the same name. Venue: Centre For The Arts
Fight 'N Fright Friday nights are made for fights and frights. Venue: Hot Docs Ted Rogers Cinema
Hollow Moon Movie Club "It cannot be unseen." Formerly known as Blind Eye. Venue: Handlebar
HS Doc Club Doc lovers screen and discuss.
Hump Day Horrorshow Mid-week scares, likely on projected video. Venue:
Kung Fu Fridays After nearly a decade, Asian film guru (and Midnight Madness programmer) Colin Geddes' raucous evenings of fightin' fists and feet have come to a close. To remember the past and look forward to the future, check out the related blog.
L'Altra Italia Italian movies for both downtown and the suburbs.
LATAFF Cineforum New Latin American cinema.
Little Terrors Horror shorts, monthly. Presented by Rue Morgue and Unstable Ground. Venue: Carlton
MINT Film Festival Connecting Toronto filmmakers, musicians and activists. Venue: Market Square
MUFF Society The Monthly Underground Female Film Society puts girl-tastic images on the screen. Venue: Carlton
Out In The City Taking the queer experience outside of the ghetto. Presented by the Inside Out festival.
ReelHeART Monthly Indie films. Venue: Cinecycle
Refocus Sharing indie films in exchange for word of mouth. Venues vary.
Secret Sessions Delivering an interactive immersive movie experience. Each screening's title and venue is kept secret until the last minute.
Spoony Toons Afternoon cartoons, cereal bar included. Venue: Cinecycle
Sprockets Globetrotter Series The yearly Sprockets festival presents this monthly series of world cinema for wee ones. Venue: The Grande
Streets To Screens Toronto's Public Space committee presents this series of independent films tackling the issues that arise from urban living. Venues: Hot Docs Ted Rogers Cinema, Toronto Free Gallery
TIFF In Your Park TIFF on the road, outdoors.
Toronto Anime Film Festival Japanese animation, occasionally.
Toronto Film Noir Syndicate Classic, proto, neo ... all noir.
Toronto Film Review Presents Emerging filmmakers represent. Venue: Cinecycle
Toronto Shines Comedy, music and film, all from the (relative) comfort of your four-wheeled motor vehicle. Venue:
Vertical Features Bringing vital non-fiction cinema to Toronto. Venue: Toronto Metropolitan University
Video Vengeance Remembering the VHS age. Venue: Kitch
WILDsound Feedback Excitingly named, but rather pedestrian-sounding in reality, this monthly event screens shorts with the expectation of immediate feedback from the audience for its filmmakers. Venue:

Compiled by Don Marks (contact)

Font graphics courtesy Web Diner Inc.